greenboxResources and links

Scientific nomenclature: Authoritative resources

Use standard names and symbols, if they have been established, as listed in professional databases:

Conventions for bacteria still follow the principals established in Demerec et al.’s classic paper, which can be found here:

The Jackson Laboratory has provided a comprehensive summary of nomenclature guidelines for transgenes, genetic markers, alleles, and mutations in mouse and rat

Conventions for transgenic animal nomenclature have been established by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources of the National Research Council's Commission on Life Sciences in the following linked article:

Writing resources
Council of Science Editors
Guide on style for scientific writing
How to submit a scientific paper to a journal
How to write a dissertation
Writing guidelines for science students
Write right for readers
A Handbook For Technical Writers and Editors
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors 
The Internet Grammar of English 

Online library, dictionary, and thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus
Word Iq
Awesome Library

Scientific literature resources
Med Bio World - 35,000 links to journals, associations and databases
The Scientist

Journals and publishers
American Physiological Society
American Scientific Publishers 
Benjamin Cummings Science 
Bentham Science Publishers
Biomed Central
Bios Scientific Publishers 
Blackwell Science 
Cell Press
G.W. Medical Publishing
Garland Science Publishing/A Taylor & Francis Company
Hayward Medical Communications
Inter-Research Science Publisher 
John Hopkins University Press
Krieger Publishing
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Medicine Publishing Company
Nature, The International Journal Of Science 
New Scientist 
Scientific American 
Scientific Publishers 
Thieme Medical And Scientific Publishers 
World Scientific 

Other useful links
Scitable - Information On How To Become A Proofreader Or Copy-Editor
!Tzalist Science Directory
Speed Reading Made Easy With Readfasternow.Com Speed reading skills
Web Directory Categorized link directory  

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